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Church Logo Design | Ministry Logo Design

Creating a logo is as much an emotional journey as it is a technical one. A logo is not just a graphic. Like all good designs, it does have some fundamental principles and a roadmap that would guide a designer to come up with creative ideas. We chose these projects to showcase because we felt really connected to them and believe that they are particularly challenging to work on Charity/Non-Profit/Religious institutions.

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Client: Fleetwood Church Logo Design

Type Of Project: Logo Design

Client Location: Fleetwood, Pennsylvania

Design Analysis: Fleetwood Church is a mid-sized church (approx 500 in average attendance) in Fleetwood, Pennsylvania – about ten miles outside of Reading, PA. Their attendees range from farmers to city dwellers. They are passionate about seeing people’s lives transformed through the gospel of Jesus Christ particularly through their Community Groups and Bible teaching and worship services.

The client wanted to communicate their passion that the Bible offers the words of life. However, they are also now focused on becoming a church comprised of Community Groups where they do life and mission together and hence came to SpellBrand to design a logo to take them to the next phase.

fleetwood church logo design

We created an icon that truly represents the vision of the church. The icon shows the horizon indicating hope and the Bible on which you can see a tree with leaves representing the members and community with the body of the tree is across. What could be more inspiring than that!

Client: Covenant Family Church

Type Of Project: Logo Design

Client Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Design Analysis: Covenant Family Church is a church dedicated primarily to serving families and helping connect family members with themselves as well as God. So along with a spiritual approach, Covenant also has a relationship building program.

To communicate the two facets of the Covenant church, we chose to go with two symbols integrated – a large tree to signify the nurturing aspect – and the cross to signify spirituality. The cross symbol is integrated with the tree image and creates a nice iconic symbol that the church used effectively in their branding. To further add an element of design, we added a break in the letter T of the name Covenant which gave us another cross and changed the color to make it striking.

covenant family church logo design

Client: Church Of Champions

Type Of Project: Logo Design

Client Location: Omaha, Nebraska

Design Analysis: Church Of Champions as the name suggests is a place of worship that inspires and motivates people to develop themselves and better their lives and those of their loved ones through dedication, hard work, honesty, and prayer. The organization was launched to address countless people who lack direction in their lives. People who are influenced by the negative aspects of life and who make their own lives miserable.

To communicate the noble vision of the Church Of Champions, we chose to depict the globe and a champion in front with raised arms to show liberty, achievement and being a champion. The layering of the globe icon and the person is quite 3 dimensional and brings a sense of purpose to the brand and the organization.

church of champions logo design

Client: Apostolic Christian Temple of Sanctification

Type Of Project: Logo Design

Client Location: Long Beach; California

Design Analysis: ACTS is an acronym for Apostolic Christian Temple of Sanctification. They are well known in the community because of their monthly outreach activities. The church has been Pastored for the last 20 years by a female pastor that has been an “angel” in the community by serving others.

The client wanted to make a bold statement. Since they are a different kind of ministry they wanted to steer clear of the norm. This meant we could not use any of the traditional church-related symbols or imagery. So we decided to focus on the typography and add a design element integrated with the acronym. We chose to use angel wings and a halo on top of the word ACTS. This clearly focuses the message on the holy and divine nature of the ministry’s mission and values.

church logo design

Client: Church in the Pines

Type Of Project: Logo Design

Client Location: Denver; Colorado

Design Analysis: Church In The Pines is a non-denominational, Bible-based, evangelical church that is purposed to help people to come to know Jesus, to grow in their faith, and then to go and serve others. The church is in the pines (Massachusetts white pines). Based on the Bible, the church is a family-oriented.

The client wanted to keep the logo simple and not reference any church-related symbols or icons. Since pines played such an important part of the church story and were even in the name, we decided to go with a simple icon depicting 3 pine trees over the horizon. The three pines are placed in relative sizes to give the impression of a forest of pines. We used two shades of the green color palette to give some contrast.

church logo design

Client: Agape Church of God

Type Of Project: Logo Design

Client Location: Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Design Analysis: Agape Church Of God is an inspiring church promoting love and devotion through a community-focused approach. With community members participating in important national and charity events, Agape is promoted actively.

The client wanted an iconic design that was more fun than religious to indicate the philosophy of Agape. So we decided to go with a heart-based logo that also incorporated a cross. We used vibrant colors and transparency effects to bring the icon to life and create a sense of friendliness.

church logo design

The result is a stunning looking logo design that represents Agape perfectly and one that motivates its members to promote the organization even more.

Client: Bethany Presbyterian Church

Type Of Project: Logo Design, Brand Identity

Client Location: Charlotte; North Carolina

Design Analysis: Bethany Presbyterian Church is a member congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. They conduct worship services and teach the Bible. Because they are part of the Reformed faith, the “B” in Bethany had a Tulip in the primary line down indicating their adherence to the Canons of Dort.

church logo design

We used the tulip motif as the basis for the design and created one tulip coming out of the word “Bethany” – the long stem of the tulip growing tall from the letter “h”. By stacking the three words and decreasing the font size gradually we created a very legible and impactful logo design. The color palette included a dark hunter green and lighter shades of the green.

Client: Woodward Church of Christ

Type Of Project: Logo Design

Client Location: Woodward, Oklahoma

Design Analysis: Woodward Church of Christ is a Bible-centered church with members of every age range striving to take the message of Jesus to the world through worship, education in the Bible for all ages, mission work around the globe, outreach to our community, and fellowship as the family of God.

woodward church of christ logo design

This church has been in Woodward for decades so there is a great history there. The client also sees the new branding as a “re-energizing” time. They are proud of the fact that they have all ages included in their community and they are very involved. Woodward is a cattle and oil town—people are very resilient, “down to earth” sort of folks. Yet Woodward also is a modern place with all the technology you might find in a larger city — with a college, and some pretty high-tech industry. The people could best be described as “salt of the earth”. “hometown, heaven-bound, down to earth, family-oriented, and the world focused.”

Client: Cason United methodist Church

Type Of Project: Logo Design

Client Location: Delray Beach, FL

Design Analysis: A church that is Christ Centered, Community Focused, building positive, growing relationships with God and others where worshipers are encouraged to live joy-filled lives through Jesus Christ. A 100-year-old church that is progressively becoming younger.

methodist church logo design

To represent the Christ-centered nature of the church but avoid the cliche icons and imagery, we chose to down two hands in contact – to indicate giving and guidance – in an abstract way. The colors are upbeat and fun to indicate the church is a welcoming and fun place. Since the name of the church is rather long we chose to go with the horizontal layout to ensure each part of the text got a legible treatment.

Client: Leadership Advance Church

Type Of Project: Logo Design

Client Location: Philadelphia; Pennsylvania

Design Analysis: Leadership Advance Church wanted a logo design and brand identity that broadcasts the right message and their USP of enabling leadership in companies to take the path of god.

For this, we brought together 4 circles representing the 4 different services that the Church offers intersecting at the center to form the cross. On three sides we incorporated subtle arrows to show that leadership can develop themselves.

The overall design is in the form of a stained glass window with light coming through. The choice of colors was also deliberate to create a more corporate look and feel.

church logo design

To represent the Christ-centered nature of the church but avoid the cliche icons and imagery, we chose to down two hands in contact – to indicate giving and guidance – in an abstract way. The colors are upbeat and fun to indicate the church is a welcoming and fun place. Since the name of the church is rather long we chose to go with the horizontal layout to ensure each part of the text got a legible treatment.

Client: Living Waters Christian Church

Type Of Project: Logo Design

Client Location: Tampa, Florida

Design Analysis: Living Waters Christian Church is a Pentecostal church focusing on spreading the gospel around the world, and leading fellow human beings to eternity. The church name hints at celestial waters, heaven, doves, a heavenly river of living water.

To create the subtle threads of the church name, we explored different design elements including water, dove, river, and more. Finally, the client decided to go with the river and water theme. The icon looks very heavenly with the river seemly coming down from the heavens. With the right color palette and font treatment, the final logo looks stunning.

living waters christian church logo design

Freedom Worship Center is a Christian non-denominational purpose driven church that is planting their roots in Warrenton Virginia. They are a church that is dedicated to reaching the lost and the unchurched, that they may come to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. Praise and Worship is an extremely important part of who they are as a church body and is vital to their growth in their intimacy with God the Father. Their style of worship is contemporary, upbeat, with an emphasis on capturing the very heartbeat of their own congregation/church body. What better way to accomplish that very goal than through the playing and writing of their own original music.

They place a high value on youth ministry, community outreach, and membership/ fellowship. Their vision is to see the birth of Freedom Worship Center grow into a dynamic God-fearing house of worship that is committed to reaching the lost all in the name of Christ Jesus. Their vision is to plant other campuses of Freedom Worship Center up and down the east coast (starting out right in Warrenton VA, which is the birthplace of the vision God gave them, which they intend to be the headquarters/or main campus for all Freedom Worship Center locations).

When Freedom Worship Center wanted a logo design identity that matched their vision, values, and beliefs, they came to SpellBrand which has a tremendous amount of experience working with Churches and Ministries with their brand identities.

The whole premise of Freedom in Christ – free from the bondage of religion (the religion of man), freedom from the curse of the law sin and death. With this in mind, we designed a Cross – with the breaking of chains showing an illustration of the Cross actually breaking the chains. Mid-way up from the trunk of the Cross you would see the chains being broke apart by the cross. If you were looking at the Cross head on, it would show the chains wrapped around the cross but in broken pieces, showing the breaking of chains in that manner.

The final design was a big hit with the local community and the Church members since it really shows the power of “freedom” and the breaking of the chains of religion that has tied a man down.

freedom worship center logo design
freedom worship center logo design
freedom worship center logo design

Client: Lions For Christ Youth Ministry

Type Of Project: Logo Design

Client Location: University Of Arkansas

Design Analysis: The Lions for Christ is a registered student organization on the University of Arkansas Fort Smith. They are supported by the West-Ark Church of Christ and area contributors. They welcome all college students attending UAFS and other universities to join us in their activities and events.

For this youth ministry, the client wanted an awesome looking logo with a powerful lion icon. The two lions in the logo design represent the two faces of the organization – activities, and events. The result is a stunning looking logo design that would motivate the public to align themselves with the ministry.

church logo design


The Church has also started branding itself with branding related to the community it services. Religious institutions have come to realize the importance of having the right logo to effectively get their message across to their target market.

Designing church logos is quite different from designing for other industries. The logo designer needs to take utmost care in trying to understand what the church is about and what kind of message it is trying to broadcast to its community.

People identify with their church. They like to know that they are a part of something that is greater than them and they like to believe in something. Through your church branding, you are giving your believers just that. You are providing them with a religious symbol and one that they can associate with their faith.

You church branding should be extremely professional. There is nothing wrong with a little creativity, but you want a classic design that your older church members will be able to associate with as well. The elders of the church are important members and it is important that you remember them when you are designing the identity.

Apart from the church itself, you may also have several programs that you run out of the church. You may have a daycare or mother’s day out program that may also need an identity. Great ideas for these areas are to draw from the children themselves. Use bright colors and perhaps lines that look like crayons drew them. By doing so, you are giving even the smallest members of your religious organization something to recognize and believe in. Youth groups and associations will also benefit from a strong message that they can associate with. Using what is hip and cool for the age of your youth will be an excellent way to encourage the youth to participate as well as give them something they can believe in.

It is amazing how your church corporate identity can be responsible for so much faith and belief. It is important that you remember whom you are designing for and it is important that you ensure that they will believe in it. It is a great idea to give the children and youth an opportunity to incorporate their own ideas and beliefs into the logos that they are going to wear proudly and believe in.

Far too often does one church use the same lettering and the same symbols as the next. Involve your members, your youth and your children and encourage them to help you come up with a great logo design that they will like and believe in.


A growing number of religious organizations are turning to branding to create awareness to the community amid so many distractions these days hampering our worship to God. In the words of Richard Reising, president of Artistry Marketing Concepts:

There’s not a church in the world that doesn’t market itself. Some do it well, some do it badly. But when you don’t do it consistently and effectively, then you say clearly to the community that you don’t know who you are; you’re not professional, and you don’t take time to think about what you are about.

There are several aspects of church branding but here we will focus on developing a Christian logo to differentiate your organization. You can also visit our collection of religious logos as your reference.


It is enough to create a creative logo design. It must have depth and meaning. Before sketching anything or talking to a logo design company, your first step is to build your identity.

Try to describe your church in terms of the people in your community, dominant culture and other services you might offer like daycare services or some livelihood programs. If you have something special to talk about or a unique selling point then include that in your list. At the end of the day, this will serve as your guideline for developing your logo.


Christianity is filled with symbols so use that to help create instant recognition to your logo. Very common in Christian logos are the cross, chalice, chi rho, candles, fire, and animals like fish, pelican or lamb.


The colors blue, red and yellow are very common in Christian logos. It’s better to understand the meaning behind these colors before using it. For instance, yellow signifies light or divinity while purple is for mourning and penitence. You can get more logo color meanings here.


Religion and politics are two topics that are largely avoided in the business world and it’s easy to see why. These subjects can be divisive and even offensive to some audiences. This is why, although most Americans consider themselves religious, most businesses feel uncomfortable displaying their religion in their logo when using online logo design. However, there are several different types of businesses in which a religious logo is appropriate. For some businesses, a Christian logo or church identities may be a very positive addition to their personal brand.


If you are running a Christian bookstore, then a Christian logo makes sense. Similarly, if your business is aligned with any type of religious organization, such as a hospital logo sponsored by a particular church, a religious logo makes that relationship clear to your community. Some religions are well known for their social services and medical services, so a religious logo can be a very positive addition to these ‘brands’. Any business that is directly linked to a religion should display their religious logo with pride.


If much of your general audience practices a different religion, overtly displaying yours may actually drive customers away. The same goes for communities that include a large range of religions or that are divided by religion. However, if your general community or even just your target audience is mainly of one religion, showing your affiliation with a Christian logo or other religious logos may be a good business decision because it makes you seem like one of them.


If your business depends on people trusting you, a religious affiliation may indicate that you have traditional values such as honesty and fairness. While it is never okay to lie about your religious affiliation, there is nothing wrong with proudly displaying it to your own advantage. Businesses that might benefit from a religious logo in this manner include charities and other social causes. Some financial operations may also gain customer confidence from using a religious logo.

If you are uncomfortable using a directly religious logo, there are other options. Many religions have secondary symbols that are less overt but still show a religious base. For example, a Christian logo may include not just the commonly recognized symbol of the cross, but also a fish shape or an angel. If you can’t decide whether or not to have a religious logo, finding a middle ground like this may be a compromise that works for your business and your community.

Once you have decided whether to include a religious logo, and exactly how obviously religious you want that logo to be, working with an online logo design company is sure to yield a religious logo that is the right balance of spiritual and earthly. Whatever the religious affiliation (or lack thereof) that you want to show, an online logo design can be created that accurately gets across the message you are trying to portray.

Calvary Wesleyan LogoYour logo design is the foundation of how your church is recognized. You want your logo design to encompass both your beliefs and professionalism.

Depending upon which part of the country you live in, you may require that the logo design is completely unique so that it will stand out amongst all of the other logo designs.

Typical church and religious logo designs tend to portray their religion through crosses and light imagery. Church logo designs also tends to incorporate text that is of a traditional and professional manner like this client of ours. Your identity should communicate to your target audience.

Church Of Champions Logo

The ministry logo design should be a symbol of your church and represent the church’s personality. Is your church warm and inviting or is it fun and creative?

These aspects can be easily portrayed through your christian logo design. You want your logo design to communicate what your church believes in and how your church portrays its beliefs.

Ministry logo designs can be fun and use a variety of colors. They can portray that going to your church is fun and creative. Fun logo designs invite people of all ages to attend.

University of Prophets LogoThey especially attract the younger generations and encourage them to attend a fun and creative church environment. More traditional and straightforward logo designs will attract the older generation.

They still want to have a good time at church while they learn about God’s word, but they also want the church to represent tradition and traditional beliefs. Using classic style fonts and similar colors will achieve a traditional religious logo design.

Your logo design is also a great way to re-brand your church. Are you building a new chapel or an addition to the church and you want to represent the church’s new look?

You may want to revamp the original logo design to represent this new change and new look for the future.

Sum Fun LogoYou want to make your church stand out from the crowd and you want the logo design to make the public aware of your presence.

Your logo design will allow people to recognize and remember your church. Your church will soon recognize the logo design and will feel as though they are a part of it.

The logo design is the image that the community will view your church by and you want it to be unique, original, and professional.