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Top 10 Sushi Logos – Sushi restaurants are white hot in the United States, with restaurants popping up in even the most mundane towns all over the nation. However, these restaurant logos need a very different brand from the average diner. Sushi restaurants must have a brand that is exotic yet approachable, promising excellent food and an ambience that appeals to their target audience. These ten sushi restaurants from all over the world have food and drink logos that are very different, but winners in their own way. We even created a sushi mascot character design for one of our clients in the past.

1. Haiku Sushi Logo Design

Haiku Sushi Logo Design
The circle in this case is not just a symbol of friendliness and inclusiveness, but a reflection of the rising sun seen on the Japanese flag. The writing is simple and basic with a few notable touches. First, the H is crossed with a pair of chopsticks, relating to the type of food offered. Second, the K has waves that create a feeling of movement. The black and white color palette creates an ultra-modern image that is easily recognized.

2. Rainbow Roll Sushi Logo Design

Rainbow Roll Sushi Logo Design
This restaurant’s brand and logo design are very different from the preceding logo. Rather than black and white, the predominant color is a healthy, organic green. Again we see circles used as the primary image, this time layered inside each other so that the image appears to have been rolled. The restaurant initials are placed in small letters inside the image. Rounded, all lower case letters complete the friendly image and create an overall feeling of friendliness.

3. Tsunami Sushi Logo Design

Tsunami Sushi Logo Design
This logo design borrows from an idea that is wisely associated with Japan and Japanese art: the tsunami. In this case, a sushi roll is drawn so that it also appears to be a large wave about to break. The combination of the two images creates interest, as does the rather stark color palette of black and white with just a small blob of red. Again we also see thin, lower case writing in a rounded font to create that all-important approachability.

4. Nami Sushi Logo Design

Nami Sushi Logo Design
This sushi restaurant logo design uses a different approach from many others in its field. Instead of using crisp lines, the entire logo appears to have been painted with ink and a brush, relating to a classical Japanese art. The use of distinctly oriental writing for one word and a newsy font for the other suggests a fusion between Eastern and Western cooking styles, while the leafy plant in the background suggests health and nature.

5. Sushi Logo Design

Sushi Logo Design
Instead of an image, this text based logo design uses the details to communicate subtle messages. Although the name leaves no doubt as to the type of food being offered, the chopsticks that form the H also suggest Asian food. The small red circle that crosses the H doesn’t just add a focal point, it also relates once again to the rising sun seen on the Japanese flag. Black, white, and red, which are common colors used in this type of restaurant logo, are seen once again here.

6. Sushi Loca Logo Design

Sushi Loca Logo Design
The name of this restaurant suggests that the experience there will be different from the average sushi restaurant, and the logo design suggests this as well. The writing is jagged and irregular, appearing to have been hastily hand-painted. The image is similar, appearing to be a views from a round Asian window but too messy to tell for certain. The tagline, “Fresh, Fun, and Fabulicious,” is playful and fun, much like the name and the logo image.

7. Onuko Sushi Logo Design

Onuko Sushi Logo Design
One of the most notable parts of this logo design is the way the N flows into the U, creating a wavelike image that is reminiscent of water and movement. The writing in a mixture of cases is rounded and friendly, but thick enough to be taken seriously. A piece of salmon sashimi, which is one of the most recognizable items to people unfamiliar with Japanese cuisine, forms the sole image. It is easy to identify this logo design with the restaurant and the brand, making it successful on all fronts.

8. 8 Fish Logo Design

8 Fish Logo Design
This restaurant is unique in its use of an unusual color palette for a sushi restaurant, burgundy and gold. The image is of eight fish, with four drawn outright and four created from the negative space. The writing is plain, without serifs, but written in all capital letters and angled so it is written sideways. This image is interesting enough to imply that the restaurant itself is unique and offers a very different experience from its competition.

9. Sushi Tei Logo Design

Sushi Tei Logo Design
This restaurant suggests a traditional Japanese experience, but in a very different way from the logos we have looked at so far. The predominant shape is of a square, suggesting tradition. The green color implies freshness, which is very important in traditional sushi preparation. The name of the restaurant is written in traditional Japanese characters as well as plain, rounded Western letters. A tagline below promises “A Good Deal of Sushi”, which is relevant because this is one of many conveyor belt style restaurants that are gaining popularity.

10. Sushi King Logo Design

Sushi King Logo Design
This last logo has an image that ties directly into its name. A traditional gold square encloses the logo, defining the space while adding a touch of tradition to an otherwise whimsical logo. The main image os of a fish wearing a crown, which is relevant for obvious reasons. The tagline promises “healthy good taste,” which is what many consumers want from restaurant food in general. Again we see the name written in both English and Japanese lettering, which promises a fusion of the traditional and the Westernized.
There are several commonalities among these logos. In many, we see black, white, and red colors, although there are certainly notable exceptions. References to fish and/or Japanese culture are also common themes. However, as with all types of logo design, a logo can be just as successful breaking the rules as it is following them. The secret is to have a professional logo design that is absolutely perfect for your unique company and brand. This will give your business the chance at success that it deserves.
Mash Bonigala

Mash B. is the Founder & Creative Director of Logo Design Works. Since 1998, Mash has helped thousands of businesses express their brand messages through creative and award winning logo designs.