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Top 10 Classic Video Game Logos: Why is a Classic Video Game brand from decades ago relevant today? Many of these identities have survived longer than the companies that they represent, becoming iconic representations of an era gone by. The gaming logos now represent a generation gone by, with a retro charm that is still present both on t-shirts and in the hearts of video game lovers all over the world.

1. Magnavox Odyssey Logo Design

Magnavox Odyssey Logo Design
This computer logo used a classic font that was similar to the way computer appeared on the screen of the first generation of home computers. This was intended to look modern and cutting edge, as befitting the world’s first home gaming console. Red is a powerful and aggressive color, while the upper case lettering gives a sense of importance.

2. Atari Classic Video Game Logo Design

Atari Logo Design
Three roads converge into the single stylized A that represents one of the best-known video gaming systems of the eighties. The lines used in this image give a sense of movement that is appropriate for a continuously changing industry. This image can still be seen on t-shirts worn by video game fans, showing the timelessness of this simple image. A lack of color is typical of this generation of video games, many of which came before color technology company was widely available in the industry.

3. Nintendo Logo Design

Nintendo Logo Design
This image is unique in that is both the original and currently used Classic Video Game brand. Although it was originally only available in red, it is most often seen in gray nowadays. Dates back to 80s. longevity sign of excellence. Unlike the technologically savvy designs of the time, this image is ultra-friendly, with gently rounded letters in a casual mix of upper and lower case. The oval around the company name gives it both a feeling of friendliness and a sense of well-defined borders. This simple yet friendly logo is a little more timeless than the others seen here, which may be why it has enjoyed such longevity.

4. Nintendo 64 Logo Design

Nintendo 64 Logo Design
How can two brands from the same company be so different? The Nintendo 64 brand, which will be recognized by early nineties video gamers, is colorful, blocky, and even childish. Primary colors are reminiscent of elementary school logo design, while the image is an ‘N’ turned into a square, hinting at the multi-dimensional aspects of this then a new generation of video games. Obviously, this image was intended for the young, which meant that Nintendo had to revert to its original logo once it decided to reconnect with older gamers in the teen and young adult market.

5. Tetris Game Design

Tetris Game Design
Most people who were alive in the eighties can remember this wildly popular game, whether they actually played it or not. This simple block-stacking video game used a bold Classic Video Game logo in assertive upper case letters and aggressive flame colors. Jagged edges give a feeling of danger while outlining in black added extra emphasis to the image. While there is nothing assertive about stacking blocks, it was necessary to use an image such as this to create an image that would attract a target audience used to games with fighting and competition.

6. Activision Brand Design

Activision Brand Design
Again we see a timeless logo that is still used to this day. This was the first company of video game developers. The use of black and white ensures that the image could be used for a variety of different games, while the relatively simple font has contributed to the long life of the image. Upper case letters combined with plenty of hard edges give a strong, masculine feeling that befits a video game.

7. Commodore Logo Design

Commodore Logo Design
The Commodore was an early brand of home and business computer, with several models created to accommodate the video games of the era. Because of the military themed name, the patriotic color scheme is appropriate. The C refers to the name of course, while the blue and red lines appear to be ribbons, implying excellence. Although this Classic Video Game identity is more than twenty-five years old, it clearly was created to represent a company with aspirations toward excellence in its industry.

8. Apple Game Design

Apple Logo Design
Before Apple became a global giant known for making everything from the iPod to the iPad, before their Classic Video Game image was sleek, iconic and monochromatic, there was the popular gaming computer the Apple II. This computer was fun and above all colorful, as it was one of the first personal computers to allow colorful games. The rainbow of colors hints at this important feature while also giving a fun overall image. The bitten apple image remains to this day, a symbol of the temptations of the computer age. Note the lower case Classic Video Game logo in what was then a forward thinking font, mixing friendliness and a cutting edge feeling in the same five letters.

9. Pac-Man Logo Design

Pac-Man Logo Design
This was the first game to receive mainstream popularity and the symbol shows this mainstream appeal. The yellow is identical to that of the well-known main character of this game, and strategically placed dots in the letters mimic simple eyes. The lettering is thick to give a sense of substance while also reflecting the shape of the main character. Blue and red shadowing make the image pop and add to the high tech feeling.

10. Intellivision Logo Design

Intellivision Logo Design
This Mattel creation was once a strong competitor with Atari and the other well-knew video game platforms of the day. This Classic Video Game logo is a little more colorful than most of its contemporaries, with electric blue and bright purple. These are choices designed to appeal to the young and reflect the tastes of the times, but in fact, they only served to limit the possibilities for this promising company. However, this symbol deserves a place on our list for being uniquely reminiscent of its era with pixilated lettering and an equally blocky figure of a human running in addition to the trendy coloring.

As you can see, these identities are all unique in that they represent their respective eras while also having timeless elements that are still used in modern logo design. It is just this balance between trendy and timeless that designers attempt to achieve.

Mash Bonigala

Mash B. is the Founder & Creative Director of Logo Design Works. Since 1998, Mash has helped thousands of businesses express their brand messages through creative and award winning logo designs.